ENABES Approved Training for OHSMS Internal Auditor as per OHSMS – ISO 45001:2018 & Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems – ISO 19011:2018 (Course ID-9132)

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Not Enrolled
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The duration of this training in ONLINE is approximately 4 hours. You will be awarded Certificate of Completing Training for the above mentioned training Title. You will receive the Certificate automatically in your email inbox address, which you have mentioned while registering this course.

At appropriate sections of this training session, you will be required to attempt Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and all MCQ in all appropriate sections are Mandatory to be attempted.  You need to refer ISO standard while attending this training session and MCQ. We have not discussed all the clauses of ISO 45001:2018 requirements clause wise, but we have explained the intent and extract of these requirements in this training module.

 This training course contains 4 learning sessions and 4 MCQ sections. All questions in each MCQ sections are mandatory and all questions are to be attempted.